Apartman ima jedan bračni krevert, krevet za jednu osobu i kauć. Kuhinja u sklopu apartmana. WC i kupatilo u sklopu apartmana.The apartment has a double bed, a single bed and a sofa. Designed for two people and smaller children. Kitchen within the apartment. Bathroom and toilet within the apartment. Kuhinja, WC , kupatilo u sklopu apartmana.
Apartman ima mikrovalnu pečnicu, frižider, fen za kosu, peglu, klima. Wi-fi je dostupan u apartmanu i na večini mjesta u dvorištu. Satelitska televizija. Svaki apartman ima svoje parkiralište.
The apartment has a microwave, refrigerator, hair dryer, iron, aircondition. Wi-fi is available in the apartment and in most places in the yard. Satellite TV. Each apartment has its own parking space.
The apartment has a microwave, refrigerator, hair dryer, iron, aircondition. Wi-fi is available in the apartment and in most places in the yard. Satellite TV. Each apartment has its own parking space.
Apartman ima bračni krevet, krevet za jednu osobu i kauć. Predviđen za dvije osobe i manja djeca. Kuhinja u sklopu apartmana. Kupatilo i WC u sklopu apartmana.The apartment has a double bed, a single bed and a sofa. Designed for two people and smaller children. Kitchen within the apartment. Bathroom and toilet within the apartment.
Dnevna soba
Mali apartman čini u jednom prostoru mala kuhinja, stol, bračni krevet, jedan krevet za jednu osobu i kauć. U sobi je televizija i klima. Dnevna soba je zajedno sa blagovaonicom.
The small apartment consists of a small kitchen, table,double bed, one bed for one person, sofa in one space. The room has a TV and air conditioning. The living room is together with the dining room.
Čistoća - higijena
U svakom apartmanu po osobi su na raspolaganju dva ručnika (manji i veći), tekuči sapun, Wc papir. Za peglu destilirana voda. Svi kreveti imaju ispeglanu posteljinu i prekrivaće. Priuje ulaska partmani se čiste i desinficiraju.
In each apartment per person there are two towels (smaller and larger), liquid soap, toilet paper. Distilled water for the iron. All beds have ironed sheets and bedspreads. At the entrance, the wallets are cleaned and disinfected.
Pitka voda
Vir je otok. Voda se kupuje u trgovini. Voda u kući nije pitka voda. Voda je prirodna iz bušotine. Na Viru nema industrije niti zagađivača okoline. Zbog blizine mora voda može biti blago slana.
Vir is an island. Water is bought in the store. The water in the house is not drinking water. Water is natural from a well. There is no industry or environmental pollutants in Vir. Due to the proximity of the sea (in case of weather change) the water can be slightly salty.
Vir is an island. Water is bought in the store. The water in the house is not drinking water. Water is natural from a well. There is no industry or environmental pollutants in Vir. Due to the proximity of the sea (in case of weather change) the water can be slightly salty.
Kovid - Covid
Svi gosti su dobrodošli. Nema zahtjeva posebnih na goste. Nije problem za držanje razmaka - dvorište je prostrano. Svi apartmani se čiste - desinficiraju. Prije ulaska ove godine raditi će mo UV desinfekciju. Molimo da se vodi dodatno računa o drugim gostima koji su više u strahu. Maske su pokazale u svim zemljama da imaju manju učinkovitost od poštivanje distance - stoga obratite pažnju na distancu. Ručnici, posteljina su temperaturno obrađeni, UV osvjetljeni. Hvala.
All guests are welcome. There are no special requirements for guests. Not a problem to keep a distance. All apartments are cleaned - disinfected. We will do UV disinfection before entering this year. Please take extra care of other guests who are more in fear. Masks have been shown in all countries to be less effective than respecting distance - so pay attention to distance. Towels, bed linen are heat treated, UV lit. Thank you.
All guests are welcome. There are no special requirements for guests. Not a problem to keep a distance. All apartments are cleaned - disinfected. We will do UV disinfection before entering this year. Please take extra care of other guests who are more in fear. Masks have been shown in all countries to be less effective than respecting distance - so pay attention to distance. Towels, bed linen are heat treated, UV lit. Thank you.
Kuhinja - opremljenost
Svaki apartman je opremeljen prema broju osoba sa - čašama, tanjurima, priborom za jelo, loncima - osnovnim za pripremu jela. U slučaju da nešto ne dostaje stojimo Vam na raspolaganju.
Each apartment is equipped according to the number of people with - glasses, plates, cutlery, pots - basic for preparing meals. In case something is missing, we are at your disposal.
Each apartment is equipped according to the number of people with - glasses, plates, cutlery, pots - basic for preparing meals. In case something is missing, we are at your disposal.